Civic Vigil
How can we collectively and swiftly respond if something goes wrong on election day? How can we ensure that all the organizations that are part of the Round Table of Initiatives are aligned on the best approach? These questions prompted the creation of a monitoring space for both the first and second rounds of elections – a situation room called Civic Vigil. It brought together hundreds of people to observe how the electoral process was unfolding and to coordinate response efforts if necessary. The organizations participating in the Vigil were:
Comissão Arns, Comitê de Defesa da Democracia, Pacto pela Democracia, Artigo 19, Casa Sueli Carneiro, Coalizão em Defesa do Sistema Eleitoral, Coalizão Negra por Direitos, Conectas Direitos Humanos, Democracia em Xeque, Direitos Já!, Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum, Instituto Igarapé, Instituto Vladimir Herzog, Washington Brazil Office, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, Fundação Tide Setubal, Fórum das Centrais Sindicais, Idec, Instituto Galo da Manhã, Rede de Ação Política pela Sustentabilidade, Instituto Ethos, Rede Liberdade, Transparência Internacional, NOSSAS, Sleeping Giants Brasil, Quid, Desinformante, InternetLab, Instituto Vero, NetLab, Maranta, Avaaz, Instituto Sou da Paz, WWF Brasil, Human Rights Watch, Escola de Ativismo, Anistia Internacional Brasil, Open Knoledge Brasil, Observatório do Clima, OAB-SP e comitês de professores pela democracia das faculdades de direito da USP e FGV/SP.
Manifesto: Orgulho do Voto, Orgulho da democracia, Orgulho do Brasil
(Pride in Voting, Pride in Democracy, Pride in Brazil)
To mark the opening of the Civic Vigil on the day of the second round of elections, there was
the launch of the manifesto Orgulho do Voto, Orgulho da democracia, Orgulho do Brasil. ["Proud of the Vote, Proud of Democracy, Proud of Brazil."] The ceremony gathered representatives of the organizations in the Pacto's network and included the participation of actors historically committed to Brazilian democratic construction. Among them were the former Attorney General of the Republic, Raquel Dodge, the former Minister of the Supreme Court, Joaquim Barbosa, and the jurist Miguel Reale Júnior.
Election Day
Throughout the first and second electoral rounds, the organization's efforts were divided into three key phases:
(1) During the voting process, the focus was on ensuring voter security, facilitating access to polling stations, monitoring the spread of disinformation on social networks and messaging apps, and overseeing the actions of public security forces;
(2) After Polls Closed, attention shifted to monitoring the vote counting and tallying process, closely following the activities of the Superior Electoral Court, maintaining direct communication with them, as well as with the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), universities, the Armed Forces, international observers, and other entities involved in the official or parallel vote counting;
(3) Once the election results were confirmed, efforts were directed towards mobilizing influential voices from organized civil society, political leadership, the international community, and the private sector to promptly acknowledge the results as soon as they were released.
Civic Vigil Work Fronts
Mobilization to Encourage Voter Participation
Tasked with articulating actions to encourage voter participation in the election.
Ensuring Voter Access to Polling Stations
Geared towards monitoring transport companies and municipal governments to ensure that
voters have access to polling stations.
Ensuring Public Safety Conditions
Focused on monitoring the actions of public security forces, incidents of political violence, and the conduct of registered hunters, shooters, and collectors (CACs, as this category is known in Brazil);
Integrity of the Electoral System Front
Responsible for quick contact and access to the Superior Electoral Court and the Regional Electoral Courts.
Coordination with Electoral Observation Missions
Aimed at sharing relevant information with national and international observatories.
Monitoring Social Media / Disinformation Processes
Tasked with identifying the primary online narratives constructed to undermine the electoral process, pressuring platforms to take action against disinformation.
Defense of the Process in Public Opinion
Front focused on creating narratives to counteract fake news and promote fair and peaceful
Monitoring the Counting and Tallying of Votes
Tasked with coordinating groups engaged in parallel vote counting, in response to potential anti-democratic stances from the Armed Forces.
Mobilizing Relevant Voices from Civil Society
Responsible for coordinating, if necessary, collaborative actions in defense of the electoral
Mobilizing Relevant Voices from the Private Sector
Collaboration with key players in the Brazilian private sector.
Mobilization of Relevant Political Voices
Coordination with political leaders, emphasizing actors from a broad spectrum across all political affiliations.
Mobilizing Relevant International Voices
Coordination with pertinent international actors, primarily embassies and governments.
Coordination with Other Networks
Focused on mobilizing coalitions, collectives, and other organizational networks to amplify the actions of the situation room.
Coordination with the Press
Emphasis on swift communication with journalists and the development of communication strategies for the vigil.
Legal Advocacy
Focused on providing legal support to other fronts and liaising with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and its branches.
Results of the Civic Vigil
Throughout election day, the group monitored threats, took online action against content promoting disinformation, and reinforced the call for people to go to the polls despite queues. The Civic Vigil received complaints, organized them, and forwarded them to competent authorities. It maintained close contact with electoral observers and countered the irregular actions of the Federal Highway Police, providing advice to mayors and municipal authorities on how to proceed.
On the international front, the Vigil maintained continuous contact with embassies and representatives from various countries. The Vigil successfully collaborated in publishing notes recognizing the Brazilian election results, with several countries worldwide acknowledging the results within minutes after their release. This coordinated effort culminated in the formation of a robust international consensus aimed at safeguarding the Brazilian electoral system against potential attacks and challenges to the election.
Another indirect outcome of the Civic Vigil was the "Free Pass for Democracy" (Passe Livre pela Democracia), a campaign based on a platform with the aim of exerting pressure on governors, mayors, state deputies, and city council members to implement free public transportation for voters during the second round. The campaign, developed by civil society organizations across Brazil, was highly successful, leading more than 300 cities to offer free buses, subways, and trains on election day. The transportation of voters was one of the major issues in the second electoral round, mainly because the Federal Highway Police (PRF) disregarded the decision of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which had prohibited inspection operations on election day. Alongside OAB-SP (Brazilian Bar Association – SP), the Civic Vigil released a critical statement against these operations that challenged the Superior Electoral Court.